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Welcome to Candy King's Realm at Backseat Vape, a Dream,  

Where E-Liquid Flavors Flow Like a Sugary Stream!


In the world of Candy King, where sweet meets vape,  

You’ll find flavors that make your taste buds gape!  

From Strawberry Watermelon, a bubblegum treat,  

To Berry Dweebz, a tart berry beat.  

Belts Ice adds a chill, as cool as a fling,  

Each puff a journey, let your taste buds sing!


These juices, oh so grand, in 100ml they stand,  

Crafted with care, they're more than just bland.  

Each inhale, a throwback, to days of youth and fun,  

With Candy King's concoctions, you’re never done.


For those who love to vape with joy and jest,  

Candy King Freebase is simply the best.  

With Batch's sour punch and Peachy Rings' sweet hug,  

Tropic Chew’s exotic dance, a flavor-filled tug.


At Backseat Vape, we're proud to parade  

Candy King’s vibrant, flavorful brigade.  

A commitment to quality, a carnival of taste,  

Join us on this journey, make haste, no waste!


Shop now, dive into this flavorful bling,  

And experience the joy that only Candy King can bring.  

Let the sweetness embrace, in each vapor wave,  

Candy King at Backseat Vape, for the bold and brave!

Candy King Freebase

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